Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 02/05/2008 - 07:31
Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 06/01/2008 - 08:31
What is Scion City is a futuristic interactive machinima video movie series made in Second Life. the website has 6 episodes and links to different formats, an FAQ and a submit link where viewers can upload more episodes or related material (photos, documents, movies, etc) discovered about the series and Scion City. visit for more details and to watch the films.
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 20/10/2007 - 01:31
In September this year Dr Melinda Rackham, ANAT's Director and 3D world author and theorist, was invited to join a 6 member international Jury assessing the Annual Second Life Architecture & Design Competition, a first of its kind, held at the 2007 Ars Electronica Festival in Austria. The jury deliberated over the 126 submissions before a live audience at the Architekturforum Linz, while being simultaneously streamed into Second Life. Four outstanding projects, that took advantage of both the artistic and technical possibilities afforded by Second Life were selected as finalists. The selected projects are presented online ( where the public are invited to vote for their favourite project. The winner receives a 1,000-euro grand prize, which will be awarded on 25 October 2007 at the prize ceremony, which includes discussions and a party at Zollverein, Essen, the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site. Read more for more details or visit
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 11/08/2007 - 08:19
the empyre list is discussing Second Life this month, and different Australian and international digital media artists are showing their work. Blakkbyrd sent through some SL articles and links
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 11/08/2007 - 06:56
"SLOz is a site devoted to bringing an Aussie slant to the Second Life experience. Launched in November 2006, SLOz believes that Second Life at the very least may bring a new approach to internet-based interaction, and we want to cover the fun ride to be had along the way. We'd like to hear from any SL members who have Australian-specific events to promote in-world, or even just a heads-up on something new and interesting happening. We cover business, health, education and anything in-between."
Submitted by AliaK on Wed, 20/06/2007 - 20:22
Submitted by Alia Kiama on Thu, 17/05/2007 - 07:18
transcript of a chat with Dizzi Sternberg & Nightshade Fugu on building in Second Life and scripts. they were nice enough to show me around. 17 June 2007
I should have taken some screenshots!
Submitted by Alia Kiama on Sun, 11/06/2006 - 23:51
I didn't make it to vloggercon06, but caught a couple of the saturday sessions online. second life was pretty quiet - they must have got the video working inworld after I left.
I saw some via the vloggercon website though and was on the chat channel for a bit.
there's links to video recordings of the sessions here

Submitted by Alia Kiama on Sat, 20/05/2006 - 17:27
I'm getting into Second Life. I tried to use it a couple of years ago when I first heard of it but my old laptop graphics card wasn't up to spec so I couldn't actually logon :( since getting the macbook I no longer have this problem! so my second life name is Alia Kiama, I haven't bought any land yet but I'm going to try make some objects.. once I work out all the new terminology. it's similar to the old compuserve worlds away and active worlds avatar based systems but seem to be more popular. the main difference is that when you build something you are allowed to keep your IP. people are making their living in RL (real life) creating objects in the world. you can buy and sell Linden $ (the inworld currency) on websites, and for US$.
(I'll post SL articles using my second life name, Alia Kiama)
some links whilst researching second life stuff :
(read more)