FutureHi website - Celebrating the rebirth of psychedelic futurism - lots of great articles and links. great thinking material. visit http://www.futurehi.net for more details
Cyclic Defrost is Australia's only specialist electronic music magazine.
We cover independent electronic music, avant-rock, experimental sound art and leftfield hip hop. We have no interest in fashion spreads, alcohol or clothing advertising, nor do we accept advertising in the guise of 'editorial'.
The Wire is an independent, monthly music magazine dedicated to informed, intelligent coverage of a wide range of progressive, adventurous and non-mainstream musics. Its office is based in London, but it serves an international readership.
Fringecore deals with the cultural fringe and some of the more weird stuff that goes on out there and helps to make society that much more stimulating. visit http://www.fringecore.com for more details
QMusic's Broadcast puts new focus on the Queensland music industry, providing news, opinion and commentary not covered in any other locally produced news sources. visit http://www.qmusic.com.au/broadcast for more details
Stealth Magazine is a quality hip hop magazine focussing on Australian and international hip hop artists and culture. There is an active forum plus interviews with Australian and International hip hop artists & bands on http://www.stealthmag.com
Fine Art Forum is the longest running arts magazine on the internet and also has a mail list full of information about arts industries and work practice