psychedelic culture

ideas of history/origins of Apollo Space program samples in electronic dance music?

any ideas of history/origins of Apollo Space program samples in electronic dance music? (Q via maillist, pls help)

I'm on a maillist which discusses EDM (electronic dance music) and one of the members/list managers, Graham St John (an Australian scholar who has compiled a few books on EDM) has asked about origins of samples from the Apollo Space mission in music. he's asking specifically about dance related music but the discussion has brought up Sun Ra's name. so I was wondering if anyone here knows of examples/history along hip hop / funk /soul / electro (80s, not 2000s) & electronic dance music lines which might help plot the history deeper? (the discussion then went onto alien imagery at some psytrance events but that's another topic)

here's the initial request from Graham St John :
I'm attempting to trace the appeal of Apollo Space Program dialogue

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The Boom Book - capturing the essence of the Boom Festival

The "Boom Book" was a project carried out during 2007 as a commemoration of Portugal's Boom Festival's 10th anniversary. The goal was is to independently release a book about Boom but also to highlight its main contribution to today's world - as leader in incorporating novel approaches to entertainment and providing experiences lived through a festival which can pioneer new perceptions and visions, enhancing all of us and our relationship with the world we live in.

This book is a collaborative project put together by anthropologists, journalists, designers, illustrators, poets, musicologists, and photographers to capture the essence of the Boom Festival. The Boom Book includes essays, interviews, visionary art by Alex Grey, Robert Venosa or Android, and innovative texts about psy-trance. It is a cultural record of striking importance, capturing the beauty of Boom and also the role of subcultures in a modern world.

visit for information about the Boom Book, or for details about the festival.
the 2008 Boom Festival will be held from 11-18th August. you can virtually visit the Boom Festival location in google earth.

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explorative research links

TechGnosis maillist website
“Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick-
SUBSCRIBE to TechGnosis List: - Erik Davis' site - entheogenesis Australia 2007 conference - an online collection / library of interesting books

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The Journeybook - Free 40 page sampler now available to download

Journeybook is a collection of tales of altered states, essays, history and manifesto for psychedelic culture in the 21st century. It covers the modern usage of sacramental plants and offers insights into traditional and contemporary shamanism, as well as analysis of the current state of global psychedelic culture and its place in a sustainable future.

It features interviews with Terence McKenna (previously unpublished), Dennis McKenna, Daniel Pinchbeck, as well as articles by Rak Razam, Erik Davis, Graham St John, Tim Parish, Tim Boucher and a fresh selection of bold new writers from around Australia. At 250 pages, it is fully illustrated with dozens of paintings, photography and digital graphics from the Undergrowth art collective, including new
works by Gerhard Hillmann, Oliver Dunlop, Iswoz, Ahimsa:Love, Tim Parish and others.

Read more or visit to find out more and download the 40 page sampler, and to place an order for the book.

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mondo 2000

Finding my old bookmark files has made me nostalgic for the early computing days when everything was new and exciting and full of possibilities. One of my favourite magazines back in the early 90s was Mondo 2000. It was hard to get - only a few places in Brisbane stocked it, actually only two that I recall and even then it was occasional. By the time I got round to subscribing to the magazine it had finished being published and I lost my subscription renewal to the cause so to speak. At the time, it was cutting edge and the full gloss images and interviews with leading thinkers made it a great read. R.U. Sirius who was the editor of the mag has a podcast these days and can be found around Here's a collection of links to mondo 2000 stuff:

mondo articles from the well (link updated : original link broken 25/09/2008 : )

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FutureHi website - Celebrating the rebirth of psychedelic futurism - lots of great articles and links. great thinking material. visit for more details

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freeNRG : notes from the edge of the dance floor

freeNRG : notes from the edge of the dance floor - AliaK

AliaK spoke with Graham St John regarding his new book about Australian electronic music community, travelling sound systems and DiY party culture.

GRAHAM ST JOHN : EDITOR AND COMPILER OF "freeNRG : notes from the edge of the dance floor" @ FRIGID (HOPETOUN HOTEL, SYDNEY)

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::: interviews:

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