site update

site update

song for today - some of my favourite songs

Song for Today - each day (or close to it), I've been selecting a song for facebook and twitter. listing them here too. usually they'll be playable via a youtube video or other online link

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sound a day - recordings and found sounds

sound a day - posting a sound each day (week?) inspired by Shannon O'Neill's Sound A Day project

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google search

google search results for :

site undergoing upgrades is being upgraded this week. some links won't work until the upgrade is complete as I've disabled some modules. the 'look & feel' of the site is currently using a default template which will also be upgraded. the RSS / XML feeds should still be working. thanks for your patience

11/02/2008 - the site is now running drupal 5.0. tomorrow night I'll upgrade to the most recent drupal 5. some of the modules have been reinstalled but you may see some errors until the upgrade is complete.

19/02/2008 - the site is now running drupal 5.1. only a few patches to go ...

14/03/2008 - the site is now running drupal 5.7

15/03/2008 - the site is now running drupal 6.1
there seems to be an issue with page caching in firefox on windows (to reload the page - press Ctrl -Shift-Delete or Tools menu - clear private data, then reload the page)
IE on windows seems ok
also posting articles from a mac seems broken! :(
it seems to be working now. (mac problem was a problem with my net connection at the flat I was staying at)

12/05/2008 - upgraded to drupal 6.2

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site update - events & incoming news feeds removed due to bandwidth limitations

25/10/2007 update : due to a problem with event listings module and incoming news aggregator, I've removed these modules until I can resolve the issue. in the meantime, try the google calendar events or try the AliaK filter Google Reader for shared news items / newsfeeds

here's a list of the feed urls the site aggregator used to check. I'll eventually add these to google reader ...

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page not found error message

09/02/2008 : is being upgraded this week. some links won't work until the upgrade is complete as I've disabled some modules. the 'look & feel' of the site is currently using a default template which will also be upgraded. the RSS / XML feeds should still be working. thanks for your patience

11/02/2008 - the site is now running drupal 5.0. tomorrow night I'll upgrade to the most recent drupal 5. some of the modules have been reinstalled but you may see some errors until the upgrade is complete.

previous upgrades:

Login to post your news

Click on 'create new account' to register an account on the site, then login to post your news.

Once logged in, click on the 'create content' - 'blog entry' to create an article in your personal blog.

Your blog entries are initially moderated (to help lessen spam), so they may not appear on the homepage instantly, but as soon as it has been approved your blog entry will appear on your own blog page and it may also appear on the home page. the RSS icon on your blog page is the url of your blog's rss feed.

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Photos of Southern England uploaded to photo gallery

Photos of Southern England have been uploaded to the photo gallery. ::: Brighton ::: Oxford ::: Bournemouth ::: Portsmouth & Hamble Valley ::: Southampton & Eastleigh ::: newsfeed added to the site - expand your future compiles a list of clippings - a conglomeration of news feeds from other sites regarding the future and cybernetic environments

chatbox added to website - chat to others via the site

a new chatbox has been added to the website. chat to others via the website by clicking on the join chat link


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