Light and shade. Electro rock band Super Massive support industrial strength vixen Mz Ann Thropik. Super Massive support Mz Ann Thropik at the Annandale Hotel, Thursday 29th March. She's got loads of fans who all seem to be in love with her in that PJ Harvey kind of way and she looks rather magnetic in her pics, so we're looking forward to checking it out too. We'll be pulling out the old Alice Cooper cover, and playing our heavier stuff. (Heavy disco that is) Can't wait!
LoveShark's on guitar again which is awesome, coz who does dirty loud rock guitar like the Shark?
We are on second spot. 9pm - 9:40pm. Other bands on are The Black Royale (progressive, psychobilly - on 1st) and Marlow (Heavy rock - on after us). It's $10 entry.

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