Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 20/11/2006 - 05:50
Humayan's Tomb, Delhi

Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 18/11/2006 - 01:34
gps data - world view
May 15 2006
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 18/11/2006 - 01:20
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 18/11/2006 - 01:09
gps data - Delhi to Shimla
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 18/11/2006 - 00:47
gps data : NZ, Australia, UK, India
Submitted by AliaK on Thu, 09/11/2006 - 02:41
There's so many crazy things in the papers here in Delhi, and then there's so many that don't make the papers or are buried so deeply that people probably don't find them. Luckily I came across the independent paper Tehelka whilst staying in the other hotel on my last trip. The articles in this paper were heart wrenching. Most of the time I kept thinking, what year is this? how can these things be happening in this day and age. Here's an example - this notice arrived via the sarai reader list (
National Association For Social Action (NASAindia) in collaboration with National Conference of Dalit Organisations (NACDOR) is organising a protest programme and will pay tribute by lighiting 1000 lights of Dignity to demand justice for the Bhotmange Family and for entire dalit community. i am inviting you in the said programme. please be there to raise the voice of justice and light a candle in favor of justice. there will be more than 5000 activists from all over india will be there.
10th Nov 2006 at 7:00 pm in Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi.
For more details on Khairlanji issue please go through following web site.
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 06/11/2006 - 05:10
Workshop @ Sarai: FLOSS Fellowships Final Presentations
Translocations 1: New media practices in the urban context
17th and 24th November 2006,Seminar Room, Sarai-CSDS
Facilitated by Tapio Makela, researcher and artist in residence at Sarai
This workshop looks at new media practices in urban contexts.
The introductory session will take place at SARAI/CSDS seminar room on Friday, November 17th 11.00-13.00/14.00-16.00.
Second session on November 24th, same time.
Submitted by AliaK on Mon, 06/11/2006 - 05:10
Workshop @ Sarai: FLOSS Fellowships Final Presentations
Translocations 1: New media practices in the urban context
17th and 24th November 2006,Seminar Room, Sarai-CSDS
Facilitated by Tapio Makela, researcher and artist in residence at Sarai
This workshop looks at new media practices in urban contexts.
The introductory session will take place at SARAI/CSDS seminar room on Friday, November 17th 11.00-13.00/14.00-16.00.
Second session on November 24th, same time.