
workshop, training

This Hideous Replica exhibition

Lifting its title from a misheard line in a 1980 song by The Fall about a reclusive dog breeder whose ‘hideous replica’ haunts industrial Manchester, this experimental project—an admixture of artworks, performances, screenings, workshops, a ‘replica school’ and other uncanny encounters—adopts monstrous replication as a tactic, condition and curatorial framework for exploring algorithmic culture, simultaneously alienating, seductive and out-of-control.

Exhibition includes works by Amy May Stuart, Angie Waller, Anna Vasof, Debris Facility, Diego Ramirez, Emile Zile, Joshua Citarella, Liang Luscombe, Loren Adams, Masato Takasaka, Matthew Griffin & Heath Franco and Mo Chu.

Performances, talks and workshops by Catherine Ryan, Chloe Sobek, Jennifer Walshe, Joel Sherwood Spring, Machine Listening, McKenzie Wark, Roslyn Helper, Tomomi Adachi and more.

Curated by Joel Stern and Sean Dockray.

This Hideous Replica has been produced by RMIT Culture and supported by the ARC Centre of Excellence for Automated Decision-Making and Society (ADM+S) and the RMIT Design and Creative Practice Enabling Impact Platforms. This project is a part of the City of Melbourne’s Now or Never festival. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body and by the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

23 Aug - 16 Sep 2024

Image: Mochu, GROTESKKBASILISKK! MINERAL MIXTAPE, 2022, digital video (still), Image courtesy of the artist.

info via RMIT Gallery - visit RMIT Gallery for more info

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"From Field to Publication" - Douglas Quin workshop

"From Field to Publication" - Douglas Quin workshop

On Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 June Quin will present a workshop "From Field to Publication".

During the workshop Quin will discuss audio equipment and field recording techniques and share with workshop participants his approaches to recording wildlife and natural soundscapes in environments around the world. Later, aspects of production such as the translation of recordings and experiences for publication in avenues such as films, games, artistic exhibitions and historical exhibits will also be discussed.

This workshop will be ideal for emerging and midcareer composers, sound designers, naturalists and artists with an interest in music and the arts of sound.

Places are limited and we will make selections by an Expression of Interest (EOI) process.
Residents from around Australia are encouraged to apply. Please note that residents of NSW will have the opportunity to access our ‘WIRED EARS’ (Emerging Artist Residency Scheme) subsidy program, which will assist them with the costs of attending the workshop, which will be held onsite at The WIRED Lab.

Sat 16 June, 10am - 3pm
Sun 17 June 10am - 1pm
Lunch provided by The WIRED Lab, BYO recording equipment


WIRED EARS The WIRED EAR Scheme provides financial assistance for emerging and mid career artists from NSW to attend WIRED Lab workshops and initiatives. For this intensive masterclass The WIRED Lab will be offering funding support to assist 10-12 emerging artists with the costs to attend the masterclass. Artists who consider themselves to be "emerging" or "mid career" are invited to submit a brief expression of interest (EOI) detailing their arts practice and how they feel they will benefit from being a WIRED EARS participant.

On your EOI please cite the cost of your return travel to/from Cootamundra NSW and keep your EOI to one A4 page. Also note that we don't follow the standard age determined definitions of "emerging" we expect you to determine where you place your practice and experience. Interdisciplinary artists are encouraged to apply.

WIRED EARS is supported by the NSW Government through Arts NSW, the scheme is currently offered to NSW based artists, we have offered WIRED EARS nationally in the past and hope to do this in the new FY.

WIRED EARS expressions of interest are due Monday 28 May
(places will be confirmed no later than Friday 1 June)

To obtain an EOI form and for more information email: workshops at wiredlab dot org

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Stelarc: The Cadaver, the Comatose & the Chimera - seminar (melbourne)

We are living in an age of excess and indifference, of prosthetic augmentation and extended operational systems. The dead, the near dead, the undead and the yet to be born are existing simultaneously. This is the age of the cadaver, the comatose and the chimera. The cadaver can now be preserved indefinitely with plastination. The comatose body can be sustained on a life-support system. Cryogenically suspended bodies await possible reanimation. Chimera is the body that performs with mixed realities. A biological body, augmented with technology and telematically performing with virtual systems. The chimera is an alternate embodiment.

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Electrofringe is now calling for proposals for the 2009 festival. We are looking for creative expressions from artists, sound artists, performers, media makers, digital filmmakers, researchers, cross-artform practitioners, curators, producers, writers, experimenters, enthusiasts and anyone who doesn't fit these boxes.

Electrofringe is a five-day festival of electronic arts and culture held from the 1st - 5th October 2009 in Newcastle, Australia. Electrofringe is part of a group of festivals collected together under the This Is Not Art umbrella. Electrofringe is committed to fostering creative and innovative use and re-use of technology and electronic artforms, while focusing on artistic development and skills exchange.

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SCANZ 2009: Raranga tangata - The Weaving Together of People (New Plymouth, New Zealand)

SCANZ 2009: Raranga tangata
The Weaving Together of People

Solar Circuit Aotearoa New Zealand (SCANZ) is the interCreate Research Centre's major project, a two week residency for artists, producers, writers, theorists and curators will be held in New Plymouth New Zealand from January 26th to February 8th 2009. Project partners are the Govett-Brewster Art Gallery and Puke Ariki integrated library and museum.

Raranga tangata refers to the weaving together of people, a phrase used to describe the internet and adopted by Sally Jane Norman and Sylvia Nagl in their work. The aim for SCANZ 2009 is to weave an enduring fabric of people and technology, located in this place: Taranaki, Aotearoa New Zealand, Pacific Ocean.

January 26th–February 8th

February 7th–8th

January 26th–February 8th

The residency themes are Environmental Response and Participate/Display. Occurring along side the residency are a two day symposium (February 7 and 8), presentation evening & opening event (February 7), and curatorial workshop.

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knitting links

knitting resources and links


knitty (online) magazine


online knit communities

wooly thoughts yahoogroup
wooly thoughts site
subversive yarn


knitted toys
Squid Hat
Chicken hat
Knit Spider
Knit Veggies
Knit Dinos
Jess Hutchison - Her pattern booklet is fantastic!! but now out of print (i have a copy)

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Cybernetics Serendipity Redux - A moderated discussion on YASMIN

Leonardo/OLATS, co sponsor of YASMIN, is pleased to announce

Cybernetics Serendipity Redux (ed: discussion link seems to be broken now 15/02/2009) - has archive of yasmin mail list - new Yasmin list

A moderated discussion on YASMIN
Beginning September 1 2008

Discussion On YASMIN, led by Ranulph Glanville.
Moderators Ranulph Glanville, Paul Brown, Paul Pangaro

40 years ago, Jasia Reichart's exhibition "Cybernetic Serendipity" showed that cybernetics, computing and art had arrived.

40 years later, while computers and art remain, cybernetics has nearly vanished, although there is a reviving interest in art.

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Transmission Asia-Pacific (TX-AP) : Media Activists from the Asia Pacific gather in Indonesia

Video makers, media activists, software developers and artists from 15 countries across the Asia-Pacific will be gathering in Sukabumi, West Java from May 19-25 for an online video skills camp. The goal of the camp is to bring together open source software programmers, video makers and media activists to develop the strategic use of online video distribution for social justice and media democracy.

TX-AP is a joint initiative between media activists in Australia and Indonesia. It is organised collaboratively by EngageMedia (Australia), a video sharing website and free software development, training and networking project and Ruangrupa (Indonesia) a non-profit artist initiative supporting the development of art in the cultural context through events, exhibitions, research and documentation. 50 specially invited media activists and artists will be coming to Indonesia to attend the workshop and share their skills and ideas.

The camp will provide a unique opportunity for artists, video makers, software developers and activists to collaborate and share skills in a global context where on-line video communication skills have become an increasingly important strategy for activists.

Read more for details or visit

Netaudio'08: call for entries

Netaudio, the Offline Festival for Online Music comes back to London after a great festival in Berlin in 2007

Netaudio'08 will take place from 22nd to 25th October 2008 at Shunt, a extensive labyrinth of tunnels underneath London Bridge Station.

Over four nights we will celebrate the creative output of networked musicians and online communities with talks, workshops, showcases and performances. Parts of Netaudio'08 will be programmed through an open call for entries. With this call we would like to give you the chance to put our attention to your creative activities related to the festival theme.

Call for entries runs in 3 strands: performance, installation and conference. For more information and to download the entry forms please visit:

The Necks FREE workshop and solo performances

The necks workshop / solo performances

The Necks FREE workshop and solo performances.

This Thursday the 28th of February Chris Abraham, Tony Buck, and Lloyd Swanton from Australian group, The Necks will host a workshop presented by vitamin s in association with alt music and the audio foundation.

The workshop will begin at 7 p.m. at the silo theatre, - (lower Greys Ave - Auckland city(and yes, the Bar will be open)) - and following the workshop Chris, Tony, and Lloyd will perform a number of solos.

This is a great opportunity to get an insight into the process of improvisation and performance both as a collective and as individuals.

The format for the vitamin s workshops offers all those who attend the chance not only benefit from the host's presentation, but also have the chance to play, interact, discuss and get feedback drawing from their knowledge and experience. These workshops are very much a dialogue between all those who attend.

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Tending Networks: The 5th Aotearoa Digital Arts Symposium (NZ)

Tending Networks: The 5th Aotearoa Digital Arts Symposium will address new developments, connections, and opportunities in digital, new media and electronic art practice in New Zealand and internationally.

The symposium will feature presentations by major international artists Young Hae Chang Heavy Industries of Korea, and Adam Hyde, a New Zealander based in Amsterdam. A wide range of artists and researchers from Christchurch and around New Zealand will present current projects, and panel discussions will focus on the creation of new work, including the role of community networks, the value of collaboration, and the challenges posed by exhibiting digital art.

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1. Lawrence Graziose Workshops

2. Sydney Stomp Interstate Intensive




In 2004, 2006 and 2007, Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre hosted exciting weekend workshops with Lawrence Graziose from the USA, a renowned teacher of The Enneagram and of the Zen Buddist/Taoist View of Human Nature. We are pleased to welcome him back in 2008 and he has suggested that this may be his last visit to Australia for a while due to exciting opportunities available to him in the USA…so this may be your last chance!


The Enneagram is an ancient psychological model which analyses personality types, ego structures and behaviours. It will look at nine ego-fixations which can create suffering in our daily lives and it offers ‘antidotes’ which can counteract the tendency to follow these ego-habits. It proves to be very useful for our work as actors investigating human nature and for our own personal development.


The section on wisdom will focus on spiritual practices that are designed to create an open and expanded mind. The section on Compassion will focus on practices that are designed to open the heart centre to the ‘service of others’. Both sets of practices help us to find true happiness in our lives.

WHERE: 82 Twilight St, Kenmore



OFFICE: (07) 3252 5540


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Vidgets: The Development and Use of Interactive, Network Based Video Works by David Wolf (dpwolf)

dpwolf has finished his thesis - you can download it from his site - it's called Vidgets: The Development and Use of Interactive, Network Based Video Works by David Wolf (dpwolf)

I've downloaded it but haven't finished reading it yet. he makes cool live video performances using isadora and quartz composer and the music is made with controllers and max / msp. I'd been to a workshop of his the previous year and that's how I started trying out isadora. (obviously he's more advanced than me ;)

I noticed page 138 has a photo which looks like a capture from a video I took of his & Somaya's performance at electrofringe 2006. I thought I had a photo but can't find it but I have a video. and the other photographer in the room was on the other side of the room as I recall. small world.

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electrofringe 2006 - max msp workshop - video patch

one of the workshops we did at electrofringe 2006 was on max / msp with Bruce Mowson

our group made a simple max patch which rotated through a few video clips we recorded of people who were in the workshop. we had limited time which is why we chose something simple - so we had a chance of completing it! we'd asked them to say something about the electrofringe / this is not art festival. the patch was basically a random video player. we only had an hour to make it. we had to show Bruce the following day. our patch worked and we were one of two groups (well our group + 1 person from another group) who turned up the next day to demonstrate the finished patch

here's a photo of the attached patch - version 2

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Dorkbot Melbourne >>> people doing strange things with electricity <<<

This month's presentations range from synthetic birds in swampy wetlands to wireless ultrasonic rangefinding with Arduinos. Steve Adam will talk about his Common Sounds installation, which was set in the Sale Common Wetland Reserve (Gippsland) for the WaterWater Festival in November 2005. The installation uses real-time generated synthetic multichannel audio which was diffused in a swampy wetland setting. The system was self-powered and involved numerous technical challenges. The installation's sounds include a range of synthetic birds and insects. Ross Bencina & Danielle Wilde will discuss the design and construction of an ultrasonic rangefinding system built as part of a recent residency at Steim Amsterdam by Ross, Danielle and Somaya Langley. The idea was to create a wireless system for measuring the distance between performers by timing ultrasonic pings from one unit to another. Each range finder unit uses an Arduino and has two separate ultrasonic sender and receiver circuits. The units use Nordic Semiconductor NRF2401 digital wireless radios to synchronise and transmit data back to a basestation. Ross and Danielle will discuss the successes and limitations of the project to date. read more for more details and links for each of the projects, or visit

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