The Re-Cycle Wallah blog outlines a project to attempt to redesign the Indian cycle rickshaws in Ahmedabad with aims of "lowering human exertion by at least 30% and lower maintenance whilst keeping prototyping cost under re.5000; the outcome retail price is also to be under re.5000(around $125). Simultaneously providing a micro-credit loan scheme so the riders can own their own rickshaw rather than renting from a middle man." they are interested in ideas and feedback - you can post a reply to one of the articles on their site.
there are other similar projects such as the Rickshaw Project by Social Innovation Projects team - which describes the idea as "a project that began in 1998 as a collaboration between IITD, Delhi, and ITDP New York. It continued on as more projects with different people - and continues to be an interest in Pedal Power vehicles." has videos of their designs.