Lust for life

Retrospectively Speaking...
After distributing pamphlets and newspapers (Yipster Times, Rising Up Angry, Guardian, Berkeley Tribe, LA Free Press, Liberated Guardian, Industrial Worker) at the University of Oregon campus (Eugene, Oregon USA) in 1970-71, mimeographing Bakunin and atheist tracts in 1972-4, the Davidson dualith/offset press known as Mad Dog Press began cranking out pamphlets/leaflets in 1974-6, the Lust for Life project emerged in 1976 (Portland, Oregon U.S.A.) - traversing alongside S.M.I.R.K. (Society for the Maintenance of Irreverence towards Ridiculous Kowtow) during the 1984-87 period. Originally distributing literature on racks in an office shared with Dragonfly Printing and the Portland Branch of I.W.W. during 1974-76, later through Burning Books section at Holland's Books (Portland, Oregon USA) in 1982-90 and through my still-existent U.S. Post Office box (P.O.Box 22466 - Milwaukie, Oregon U.S.A. 97269) for 25+ years, I now distribute most via the web site at - which was launched in 2002.

Past associations include freethought & atheist groups, anarchist tendencies & associations (S.D.S., Y.I.P., S.R.A.F.), point of production movements (I.W.W.), post-Situationist groups - coalescing now around Project WR, A Situationist Dictionary, and committed formal federation. The site abounds in downloadable epublications, agit-props, flyers, and an exhaustively researched network of links to groups, documents, discussions, news, and projects on a searchable and translatable site - including 85+ pages entitled Situationist, Surrealist, Anarchist, Critical Theorists, Sex-Pol, Councilists, Dadaists, Syndicalists, Libertarian Communists, Love/Play/Passion, Atheist, Cartoons, Comix, Music, Computing, Film, Suppressed Science, Alternative Health, Media Sources, and much more - depicting dreams lost, a world alienated, movements hidden, and lives to win.