Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 28/05/2016 - 15:24
today's drapery study/drawing. I'm happy with how the fabric drapes over the edge of the box. though now I see the photo I can see parts in the middle & top that don't match reality & the tones are bit out but hopefully they still have the feel of draping fabric. back to painting next week.
May 28 2016

Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 07/05/2016 - 12:56
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 05/03/2016 - 20:51
after the still life, I worked on a drapery study - I keep typing this as drawpery! I had my "aha" moment towards the end of the second week's class, so will start a new one next week. I had been trying to draw more expressively and scribble and smudge with my finger, but my teacher said to draw individual lines as they convey more information. individual lines is my natural way of drawing, so I'll go back to this next week. it was hard to erase some of the original marks I'd made. I was getting the hang of it by the end of week 2's class, so will practice more next week
week2 - March 5 2016:

Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 20/02/2016 - 20:36
I changed from painting to drawing at my saturday morning art class. first up was a still life study

Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 05/12/2015 - 18:44
last day of painting class / term today. it wasn't my best day painting. when I tried to add shadows and to make the objects more 3D, I wrecked the tone so spent most of the day trying to get this back - lots of squinting and standing back to look at it from across the room. eventually I had to wipe the paint off and start again. I'm not happy with the shapes either (especially the teapot) - I lost them on the first day when painting the flat tones with the large brush, and couldn't get them back in time. oh well. my teacher said he was happy with the tones. so I need to practice drawing objects (and drawing in general). it's still drying in the shelves at art school so I need to go collect it this week once it's dried.
