[adelaide]openLANDs - SALA FESTIVAL 2003 - call for participants

call for participants | openLANds

4:30-10pm SUNDAY 10th AUGUST 2003
PSEUDO SPACE :: 188 Sturt Street Adelaide South Australia

PSP and the Pseudo Space is pleased to announce . . . another openLANds gathering digital music JAM&party

This party is open to all soft synth/sampler users and potentional soft synth converts
and basically anyone who doesn't mind hanging out with artistic sexy geeks. (Donation entry - help cover costs)

Anyone can bring a computer or a their patches/files on disc to jam along. There is a sever set-up full of user free audio loops and patches for reackter, absynth, j-max and many more.

There is a in-house home brewery, with additive and preservative free beers always available in our lounge bar

all in the name of...pseudo-sonika...nu-sounds, nu-technology, nu-ideas

contact psp@internode.on.net

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