Submitted by AliaK on Sun, 22/10/2006 - 03:34
Sophie, the Institute's first piece of software, is designed for reading and writing next-generation electronic books. Sophie will facilitate the easy construction of documents that are designed to live on the network and to use multimedia and time in ways that are currently difficult, if not impossible.
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 16/09/2006 - 19:42

Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies is a biannually published, refereed journal. The journal covers the studies of music sciences, together with the studies of music and sound in the disciplines of humanities, social sciences, cognitive sciences, medical and engineering sciences. Our aim is to establish a wide range of interdisciplinary platform for the scholars studying on music and sound.
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 16/09/2006 - 19:18

Radical Musicology is a peer-reviewed online journal produced in the International Centre for Music Studies at Newcastle University (UK). It was established to provide a forum for progressive thinking across the whole field of musical studies, and encourages work that draws on any and all relevant discipinary and interdisciplinary prespectives.
Submitted by kathy on Thu, 31/08/2006 - 04:10
music is Indian Summer by Big Bud
I went along to the Sarai Independent Fellows 2006 workshops last weekend (26-27/08) @ Sarai, CSDS, New Delhi. I missed the first two days sessions, but here is a slideshow video of some of the saturday & sunday sessions. it was really interesting - both the presentations and the discussions afterwards. some sessions were in Hindi so I couldn't follow as easily. there were a wide range of projects though - art, music, urban issues. hopefully they'll link to some of the full papers on the website. it was a great way to get another insight into life and goings on in India and related places.
photos @
Submitted by AliaK on Tue, 15/08/2006 - 17:45
Celebrate the opening night of the 4th SOOB Festival with the knowledge that a public holiday is the next day! Below are some of the highlights of the SOOB 2006 program for Tuesday, August 15. For more information, visit the website @
Submitted by kathy on Tue, 03/01/2006 - 15:21
Finding my old bookmark files has made me nostalgic for the early computing days when everything was new and exciting and full of possibilities. One of my favourite magazines back in the early 90s was Mondo 2000. It was hard to get - only a few places in Brisbane stocked it, actually only two that I recall and even then it was occasional. By the time I got round to subscribing to the magazine it had finished being published and I lost my subscription renewal to the cause so to speak. At the time, it was cutting edge and the full gloss images and interviews with leading thinkers made it a great read. R.U. Sirius who was the editor of the mag has a podcast these days and can be found around Here's a collection of links to mondo 2000 stuff:
mondo articles from the well (link updated : original link broken 25/09/2008 : )
Submitted by AliaK on Sat, 03/09/2005 - 17:05
Going West is coordinated by the Arts Team within Waitakere City Council, with programme content designed by local resident and bookseller Murray Gray.
When Going West began nine years ago, it was the Auckland region's first writers' festival. Its focus is on the writers, thinkers and performers from New Zealand and the Pacific past and present, established and emerging. Since its inception in 1996 it has attracted over 300 writers and performers to take part.
Going West takes place in September over a two week period across various venues in Waitakere City. View information on the festival's range of events.
Submitted by AliaK on Thu, 18/08/2005 - 21:17
Gail Priest is a Sydney based sound artist. Her practice involves sound design for performance, installation and electro-improvisation. She is also a curator, writer and commentator on sound and new media arts. Gail Priest's website is
Submitted by AliaK on Fri, 13/05/2005 - 04:52
Igloo Magazine is an (online) abstract electronic music magazine publishing articles about current, classic and upcoming music from around the globe. Our mission is to consistently create an information resource about electronic music featuring several articles in our Newswire, Reviews, Profiles, Features and Top-10 categories.